Friday, November 11, 2011

Be Creative With Uno Stacko





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Tuesday, November 8, 2011


This time windi mau nge-post berita yang yah bisa dibilang gak penting-_-

Masa ya, kemaren (udh lama sih sebenernya hoho) gue liat & denger di TV ada yang nyuri piring di sebuah rumah di sebuah desa (lupa). Dan TAU GAK? MASA YA... pencurinya dipenjara 7 tahun.....
yaampun kasian bgt ya... padahal akhirnya dia gak dapet piringnya...
Yang gue kesel kenapa yang dicuri gak bisa apa ikhlas aja atas piringnya, piring kan gak mahal.... ckck

Di tempat berbeda, dan berbeda hari (gak tau kapan dan dimananya, cuma denger dari saudara-_-)
ada orang yang berniat mencuri kerbau milik orang lain, ini baru mau loh ya...
terus akhirnya ketahuan warga sekitar...
warganya gitu kayak main hakim sendiri dan akhirnya....
para warga yang datangnya keroyokan kayak mau demo itu memenggal kepala si pencuri yang gak berhasil mencuri... dan yang lebih sadisnya lagi adalah kepala itu digantung begitu aja sekaligus sbg peringatan kepada yang lain bahwa kalau mencuri kepalanya akan berakhir sama seperti itu...

Indonesia unik bgt ya....

AMT with DezoitoForça

Last Friday, Dezoito Força went to Sukabumi, Bogor. We Stayed for 1 night  in a Hotel called Grand Pesona. Ichi, Vanessa, Carissa, Safira are my room mates. We did a lot activity together. We watched The Chronicles of Narnia, and skandar looks so handsome in this film. Okay, we back to AMT. First individual activity is making a mind map. I made mind map about maths. My mind map is looks like an apple tree. I have made a mind map when i was in 7th grade, but i think mind map isn't effective for me.

Many motivator came, such as Mr.Dik Doank, Mr.Aris AhmadJaya, Mr.SGM, etc. They successfully made us motivated and inspired. Mr. SGM gave us a lot of tips to have a great memory and remember something quickly and easily. Mr. Dik Doank told us how to be success person. Mr. Aris gave us motivation to be success in national exam.

All activities finished at 10 p.m. Me and my friends is a little frightened with our room, cause the view of the window’s horrific. But we were very tired that night, so we didn’t too care about the room and sleep soundly.

We were very sleepy but we have to woke up early to have a breakfast and did some sports activity. After finished that all, we back to our room to took a bath. And then we went to hall.

In the hall, our teacher commanded us to made a life proposal. We also filled a questionnaire about what learning styles that we have. Many students, including me are having kinesthetic's learning styles. 

AMT is fun and i proud can be  participated in this activity. It opens my mind to be serious with my future and that must be start from the national exam. I must start to prepare it from now if i want to get a good score. Okay that is my experience that I want to share with you, bye!

Room mates

Play swing with Alea 

That's me and Vanessa

That's me with Vanessa and Alea

 made a mind mapping together

Me and my bestfriends + Safira but she has back to Jakarta :(

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


hello everyone! it's my first post. Actually, it's my second blog. i forgot what my old blog's password so i made a new one and hope this blog will have many readers :)